sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2016

How to create a FileGroup on SQL SERVER

There has always been an intense discussion about the usage of FileGroups, and how they can help or not performance. 

A lot has been sad, and saying more is just cacofonia, so I will just say this: for my own experience, I can't say that if using FileGroups you will enhance performance, but it can be a solution for storage issues.

If you have a lot of static (read only) historical data, it will definetely improve performance.

Say you have a database called Nexus, and you need to create a FileGroup named IndexFG2, to store Indexes, you can use this:

USE master;

ALTER DATABASE nexus ADD filegroup indexfg2;


  NAME = newfg2, 
  filename = 'c:\tmp\IndexFG2.ndf',
  size = 6mb, 

  maxsize = 18mb, 
  filegrowth = 1 ) 
TO filegroup indexfg2;

USE nexus;

     NAME VARCHAR(100)
  ) ;

  ON mytest2(NAME)
  ON indexfg2;  

On this example, I used the FG to store and index, but you can create the table on it as well using "ON FileGroupName".


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