segunda-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2016

variable performance schema is a read only variable MARIADB

When trying to change PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA variable to start Performance Schema in a MariaDB instance ina CentOS platform, I got the following message:

  "variable performance schema is a read only variable"

After some googling, I got to the MariaDB documentation about Performance Schema, where it says:

  "The performance schema cannot be activated at runtime - it must be set when the server starts by     adding the following line in your my.cnf configuration file."

On linux I just used nano to edit the my.cnf file, typing:

  nano /etc/my.cnf

I just added the "performance_schema=on" tag on the mysqld section, and saved the file. After that, a service restart should do the trick:

  systemctl restart mariadb


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