Nagios is a great tool for IT Infrastructure monitoring.It presents a series of connectors that you get by default, like MySQL, MSSQL, LDAP Servers, Linux Servers, etc, but you can also install other connectors that you can find here:
Nagios is not an open-source option, it has a commercial licence, but you can download a sandbox OVA file that you can run on Oracle Virtual Box and test drive the solution.
You can download the OVA file here:
Once your download finishes, import in your Virtual Box and start it. You can log on it using:
User: root
Pass: nagiosxi
You actually need to login in the instance, to get the instances IP. To do that, just type ifconfig in the console. Once you get the IP, point your browser to that address, and you will land on the Nagios landing page (print bellow),
Click on the "Access Nagios XI" and you will redirect to the login page:
The instance has a user pre-installed:
Username: nagiosadmin
Password: a3e9ki
Once you log in, you will land on the main page:
At the top menu, you will find the Configure option and inside that entry there is the Configuration Wizzard. Click that!
The configuration wizzard is where you can find all the default configuration tools. Locate the MSSQL Database option and click on it.
Fill the connection information and click next.
On the following page, you can configure the settings for the monitoring option, like the connection time (or the time it takes to connect to the database). Click next when you are done.
At the final step, you can set the latency of the checks. Click FINISH when you are done.
You will see the message bellow confirming that the Monitoring Wizzard was successfully finished.
At the final screen, you will see a link to your monitoring solution, with the text "View status details for YourDatabaseAddress". You monitor should look like this:
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