sexta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2014

Galera data on Percona Cloud Tools (and other MySQL monitoring tools) - Peter Zaitsev

I was talking with a Percona Support customer earlier this week who was looking for Galera data on Percona Cloud Tools. (Percona Cloud Tools, now in free beta, is a hosted service providing access to query performance insights for all MySQL uses.)

The customer mentioned they were already keeping track of some Galera stats on Cacti, and given they were inclined to use Percona Cloud Tools more and more, they wanted to know if it was already supporting Percona XtraDB Cluster. My answer was: “No, not yet: you can install agents in each node (the regular way in the first node, then manually on the other nodes… and when prompted say “No” to create MySQL user and provide the one you’re using already) and monitor them as autonomous MySQL servers – but the concept of cluster and specially the “Galera bits” has yet to be implemented there.

Except I was wrong.

By “concept of cluster” I mean supporting the notion of group instances, which should allow a single cluster-wide view for metrics and query reports, such as the slow queries (which are recorded locally on the node where the query was run and thus observed in a detached way). This still needs to be implemented indeed, but it’s on the roadmap.

The “Galera bits” I mentioned above are the various “wsrep_” status variables. In fact, those refer to the Write Set REPlication patches (based in the wsrep API), a set of hooks applied to the InnoDB/XtraDB storage engine and other components of MySQL that modifies the way replication works (to put it in a very simplified way), which in turn are used by the Galera library to provide a “generic Synchronous Multi-Master replication plugin for transactional applications.” A patched version of Percona Server together with the Galera libray compose the base of Percona XtraDB Cluster.

As I found out only now, Percona Cloud Tools does collect data from the various wsrep_ variables and it is available for use – it’s just not shown by default. A user only needs to add a dashboard/chart manually on PCT to see these metrics:


Click on the picture to enlarge it

Now, I need to call that customer …

Monitoring the cluster

Since I’m touching this topic I thought it would be useful to include some additional information on monitoring a Galera (Percona XtraDB Cluster in particular) cluster, even though most of what I mention below has already been published in different posts here on the MySQL Performance Blog. There’s a succint documentation page bearing the same title of this section that indicates the main wsrep_ variables you should monitor to check the health status of the cluster and how well it’s coping with load along the time (performance). Remember you can get a grasp of the full set of variables at any time by issuing the following command from one (or each one) of the nodes:

  mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE "wsrep_%";  

And for a broader and real time view of the wsrep_ status variables you can use Jay Janssen’s myq_gadgets toolkit, which he

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from Planet MariaDB

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